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How to Keep Your Garden Gorgeous All Summer Long

Posted on Monday, 08-May-2023

Love nature enough to want to be surrounded by it all the time? Count yourself as one of the lucky ones. Because in nature, you find joy, pleasure and your one true love as well.

And it doesn't matter if you're born with a green thumb or not, nature's mesmerizing beauty is so laden with peace and solace that you can't help but be one with it.

So if this love for nature and exquisite florals makes you want to look after your blooming garden all summer long, then you’ve come to the right place.

Because it's not child's play. And sometimes it takes a little more than just potting, planting and loving to keep up your beautiful garden. So here are a few tips for you to follow:

Go big on the Mulch

Popularly known as the gardener’s friend, Mulch is a heaven’s sent. In higher temperatures, the stress level of blooms and plants rises up drastically. To battle this, Mulch is perfect since it regulates the soil’s temperature. Additionally, it creates a barrier against unwanted weeds, prolonging the life of your greens.

Water wisely

Pick your time to water your blooms, based on their needs. But try to find the right time, preferably before it gets too hot for the day. Adequate watering is key to their strength. But remember overwatering is one of the most common deaths for plants and blooms. So make sure to check the pots, if they're still runny or wet, wait till they dry out before watering again.

Get the weeds out

A lot of effort goes into digging and planting your beloved blooms. Don’t let it all go to waste by turning a blind eye once they bloom. There are myriad varieties of weeds that thrive in summer, stealing moisture and removing nutrients from your pots. So it’s imperative for you to pull them out when they’re small. The reason why it goes without saying, keep a close eye on your garden, daily!

Be careful of pests, worms and insects

Cucumber beetles, grasshoppers and many more such worms, insects and pests multiply two-fold during summers. And they not only weaken the plant’s health but also make them susceptible to diseases. To tackle this, you can either grow aromatic herbs that help keep these pests away or simply mix baking soda with some flour and sprinkle it all over the garden. And you can stay worry-free for the summer.

Chop out dried flowers

It may sound harsh but by doing so you’re directing the plant’s energy towards those blooms that are still growing. And in return, you get a garden full of fresh flowers that bloom continuously and stay healthy too.

Grow heat-tolerant blooms

You may have a floral preference but the secret to a blooming garden is choosing the right kind of florals that are fit for summertime. Not only will you be able to look after them with ease but they too will flourish in extreme conditions. Think black-eyed susan, bougainvillea, zinnia, blanket flower and periwinkle.

Provide shade to your pots

Use a patio umbrella or simply a shady area for your pots to ensure that their temperatures do not rise. The balance of light and shade will prevent their health from deteriorating and keep them happy for a long time.

Don’t shy out from fertilizers

Yes, blooms too require fertilizers but who said they can’t be made at home? Start composting at home with all your food waste to create the finest fertilizer. It’ll provide the right nutrition and keep them healthy throughout the summer heat.

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