A confidante, best friend, protector and provider, a mother is the true superwoman in disguise. She goes out of her way to carve a path for you, she looks after you even when she’s low and she offers a shoulder of support when others back down. No wonder, every mother and child relationship only gets stronger through the years.

So if you’re wondering how to make her feel like the most special mom this Mother’s Day, look no further. We have an extensive list of blooms that not only complement her true persona but also infuse unparalleled joy into her special day.

Flowers for mom online


Known for their purity and love, Carnations symbolize faithfulness. And if moms aren’t your biggest cheerleaders, then who are? They’re available in so many colours, each a testament to her belief and values. What’s better, Anna Jarvis, an activist who founded Mother’s Day, declared this exquisite bloom to be the official flower for this heartfelt day.


Found in myriad colours, roses have forever held a special place for every special occasion. But since moms are so soft at heart, pastel or soft-coloured roses correspond best with Mother’s Day celebrations. Think Sweet Avalance, Deep Purple, Peach and Pink Spray roses. After all, giving a rose to a rose is so wholesome.

Mothers day flower Bouquet in Vase


The big balls of colour are simply a sight to behold, almost like a surreal work of art. But there’s a deeper connection here. Just like moms give us limitless strength, these beautiful blooms reflect her selfless actions. Durable and long-lasting, they’re a gift that keeps on giving.

Gerbera Daisies

Symbolic of innocence and beauty, the mesmerizing florals capture the best of what moms have to offer. And just as every mother provides a different quality to enhance our life, similarly, the many colours of Gerbera Daisies signify a deeper emotion. Like pink for grace, red for passion, purple for elegance and more.


The name Chrysanthemum owes its roots to the Greek words Chrysos meaning gold and Anthemon meaning flower. So it only makes sense to gift mom this delightful bloom that symbolizes her heart of gold. Alongside, they signify optimism and trust, something your mom stands for each day of her being.


Lilies as we know them are symbols of life and rebirth. And when mom is your life-giver, why not bestow her with the purity of these florals? Decide on what message you would like to convey this Mother’s Day and pick the colour accordingly. Pink lilies convey a sense of admiration, Calla Lilies offer a message of elegance and so forth.


Just like mothers withstand the test of time even during the most trying times, similarly, Orchids display a long-lasting power. Celebrate this special day that belongs to her by expressing gratitude for the unparalleled strength that she passed down to you.


Bold and beautiful, they represent unexpected kindness. A selfless quality your mom readily offers at any moment in your life. Pledge your loyalty and admiration to her with these yellow-blooming surprises and let her know that she means the world to you.


A regal representation of perfect love, Violets are the most effortless choice to make mom feel like the luckiest mom on Earth. These jewel-like purple blooms not only brighten up any space but add a rooted sense of belonging, reminding her that she is your strongest cheerleader.


Happy, easygoing and a marker of unconditional love, Tulips are a grand gesture of care. And personify all the values that mom stands for. Their cheery look is a lot like mom’s because even when she’s down, she never lets you know. Instead puts on a strong face and allows you to grow in their presence.

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Why Do We Celebrate Mother’s Day With flowers?

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