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A hug is a form of instant affection, it can calm someone down, it can make them feel safe, it also expresses emotion in its purest form, it's a wonder how something so small, a gesture can drive emotions the way it does. Hug day is the sixth day of Valentine's week and it is a significant day to pour all your love to your significant other. Shower them with affection in the form of a warm embrace, however, if you are not able to meet them in person, how do you declare your love to them? The history of an embrace goes way back; it was most likely started as a way to share body warmth/heat which was most likely invented in the cold countries but in modern times, a hug means many things. It is common for people to hug each other just as a form of showing support. It can also be a form of greeting - it is very common in western countries to greet people with a hug and a peck on the cheek.
When it comes to lovers, a hug can mean many things, it can mean passion, it can be for comfort, it can also make one feel safe and secure; after all, there is nothing better than being in your lover's arms and just feeling their heartbeats. Often lovers lay down together and one would put their head on to the other's chest to listen to the rhythm of their heart and it is the most beautiful feeling ever. Hugs are sometimes all we need.
On hug day, couples give each other many things but the gift of comfort and love is the most important one. There are teddy bears that can be substituted for one's presence and they do make a good replacement, in this case, bigger the better which is why life-size teddy bears are so popular and sold mostly during these times.
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